Gracias a Alcock y Associates .p.c por ayudarme en mi caso de accidente de carro. Pelearon por mi caso y recibí una recuperación
If you were injured in an accident, goodness knows that you have a lot of options out there. But before you sign on the dotted line, there are some questions that you should, absolutely, positively ask your attorney.
No matter who you hire, you should ask these questions and get straight answers before you begin.
Believe it or not, many lawyers routinely have fee structures that allow them to get quite a bit more than their clients. The fine print makes that hard to understand, but this question is perhaps the most important one to ask. It’s a simple yes or no and I’m proud to say that no, we NEVER take more than our clients. EVER.
Believe it or not, many attorneys actually OWN interests in chiropractic offices. They may also be very friendly with certain medical providers. While there’s nothing wrong with this, think about it. When the time comes to ask the medical providers to reduce their bill (thus putting more money in your pocket) does the attorney have a possible reason to not press super hard. I get invitations to dinners and lunches and ski trips all the time from medical providers who are looking for my firm to send referrals. I ALWAYS turn this opportunities down. (If they send cookies, however, I will eat them but I can assure you this does not create a conflict of interest.) Because I don’t know them, I fight with everything I have to reduce their bills to get you the biggest settlement possible.
I was a young attorney once, and I’m not looking to disparage anyone. But if you are hiring an attorney who has five years or less experience, that obviously can affect their ability to handle your case. Just know who you are hiring. (I’ve got more than 20 years of experience)
If your attorney hires paralegals to do all the talking, that’s obviously something important for you to know. We only have attorneys negotiate cases.
Many attorneys offer “reduced or discounted” fees that wind up changing over time. In theory a lawyer could charge 1% for pretrial and 40% if a lawsuit is filed. If the lawyer always files a complaint, that lawyer will always make 40%. We do not charge more for filing suit. If a lawyer does a good job, the lawyer can do just fine with one fair number and we never charge more for filing suit.
Many attorneys will leave you totally on your own when it comes to negotiating property damage claims regarding your car. This is because lawyers can’t make any money with that part of the claim. We believe in helping our clients all the way through the process, including property damage.
En nuestras consultas, nos dedicaremos a resolver sus dudas, explicar sus opciones y su primera asesoría es completamente gratis. Nos aseguraremos de conocer los detalles de su caso para que pueda tener el mejor acompañamiento posible. Contamos con los mejores abogados especializados para darle las mejores opciones y saber cómo proceder ante su situación legal.
CONSULTA GRATUITA >Alcock & Associates P.C.
One South Church Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85701